Majority of Canadians Think Immigration Good for Country

canada loves immigrants

A large percentage of Canadians believe that immigration is good for their country. This belief is due to the positive effect immigration has on the country. Thus, most Canadians are in support of the government’s immigration plan.  Become A Canadian reported that the plan is to attract over 1.3 million newcomers to Canada between 2022 […]

Census Data Reveals Record 23% of Canadians are Foreign-Born

canadian forgein workers

The current percentage of immigrants in Canada is the largest recorded since Confederation. From the report, 23% of the country, or over 8.3 million people, were either landed immigrants or permanent residents. This proportion is claimed to be the highest among the G7 countries. According to the census data, a quarter of all the people […]

Immigration Gives Canada Fastest Population Growth in G7


Canada is one of the fastest-growing G7 countries. Other countries in the group of seven nations are the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Japan. Canada is retaining its position as one of the fastest-growing G7 countries because of its rapid population growth. According to Become a Canadian, about 1.8 million people entered Canada […]

You Can See Spectacular Scenery on Canadian Train Rides

train in canada

If you want to behold the amazing beauty of Canada, the perfect way to do that is to go on train rides in the country. You will experience Canada as you’ve never seen it before by just looking through the window of a train while you tour the country. Apart from the fantastic scenery you […]

Workers Needed to Replace Millions of Retiring Canadians

candian workers

Workers Needed to Replace Millions of Retiring Canadians There is currently an imbalance between the number of job seekers and job vacancies in Canada. This unpalatable trend is due to the high rate of baby boomers exiting the workforce. This situation is serious, because the number of younger workers are insufficient to fill the vacant […]

Become a Canadian: New Monument and Park Honor Immigrants in Calgary

New Monument and Park Honor Immigrants in Calgary

According to Become a Canadian, Canada is a great place for immigrants to settle. The country is known for accommodating newcomers and making them feel welcomed. This statement was proven true recently when a new monument and park officially opened in Calgary to honor Vietnamese who fled their country for Canada in the 1970s. The […]

Montrealers Show Canadian Kindness Toward Ukrainian Families

BecomeACanadian - BAC

Many Montreal residents of Canada have been of great help to Ukrainians since the raging war started in Ukraine. Many Montrealers have gone the extra mile to ensure that the refugees from Ukraine find solace in Canada by opening their homes and ensuring they are comfortable. The Montrealers have been welcoming and hospitable to Ukrainians. […]

Canadian Immigration Goal Soars to 1.3 Million Over 3 Years

BecomeACanadian - Immigration Goals

Canada has announced an aggressive plan to bring over 1.3 million immigrants to the country over the next three years. The increase in people will support the post-pandemic growth. According to the 2022-2024 Immigration Levels Plan, the government’s goal is to bring in 431,000 permanent residents this year, 447,000 next year, and 451,000 in 2024.  […]
